Understanding Trigender: A TikTok Star’s Journey

A well-loved TikTok personality has recently shared an important part of their identity, opening up about being trigender. The announcement has brought a wave of encouragement and positivity from their followers.

Emily Skvarch, who is known as @future4caster on TikTok, took the step to speak candidly about their gender identity, which led to a heartwarming response from fans. Many expressed their admiration and support, saying they were inspired by Skvarch’s comfort in embracing their true self.

One supportive fan commented that Skvarch’s self-assurance was an example for others to follow, hoping that everyone could reach such a level of self-understanding and certainty. Another added their well-wishes, delighting in the honesty and bravery of Skvarch’s revelation.

In a video that quickly went viral, Skvarch shared: “I am trigender, which is like a triangle. This means I equally identify with being male, female, and non-binary.”

Emily went further to explain how being trigender differs from being gender-fluid. “I experience all three of these genders simultaneously and consistently. It’s not about feeling one more than the others at different times, like many who are gender-fluid might describe.”

With an audience exceeding 580,000 followers, Skvarch acknowledged that perspectives on gender can vary widely. They said that while not everyone may see non-binary as a third gender, it feels like a distinct aspect of their identity.

“To me,” they explained, “non-binary, male, and female together form my gender experience.”

This unique stance allows Skvarch to simultaneously embody characteristics of male, female, and neither—showcasing an inclusive and comprehensive understanding of their identity.

In addition to being trigender, Skvarch also identifies as transgender, further illuminating the multifaceted nature of their gender experience.

The term trigender is defined by the presence of three specific genders: male, female, and non-binary, according to the Gender Wiki. This identity involves a mix of multiplicity, fluidity, and diverse gender combinations. It falls under the broader umbrella of multigender identities, which encompass identification with multiple genders.

The trigender community is distinct from bigender (two genders) and polygender identities (more than three genders) and highlights how individualistic each person’s experience can be.

Each individual’s trigender experience is personal, influenced by their emotions, cultural background, and societal surroundings.