In a cozy bar with a warm ambiance, a charming gentleman in a sharp suit approaches a lovely young lady. He politely asks if he might offer her a drink, adding a touch of gentlemanly grace to the evening.
With a curious smile, she inquires, “Don’t you have a girlfriend? Men like you often do.”
His expression turns a little melancholic as he replies, “Unfortunately, we parted ways just over a month ago.”
“I’m really sorry to hear that,” she responds, softening her gaze. “Well, in that case, I’d love a glass of white wine, thank you.”
One glass effortlessly leads to another. As the evening unfolds, their lively conversation and gentle laughter foster a warm connection. After sharing affectionate kisses and cuddles, they decide to continue their enchanting evening at her place, where they share moments of passion and intimacy.
As the night draws to a close and he begins dressing, she looks at him admiringly and says, “You are so incredibly handsome, a genuinely nice person, and, if I may say, truly remarkable in every way. Do you mind if I ask why your relationship ended?”
He turns to her with a gentle smile and says, “Well, my wife found out.”