Jon Stewart, the beloved host of The Daily Show, made a long-awaited return to the show and has been receiving immense love from fans. But amid the laughter, Stewart experienced a heartfelt moment during last night’s episode. Fighting back tears, he announced the passing of his cherished pet dog, Dipper, a three-legged rescue.
At the end of Monday’s Daily Show, Stewart took a break from his usual political satire and shared a personal story with the audience. He recounted how his two children, 12-13 years ago, had wanted to raise money for Animal Haven, a no-kill animal shelter in New York City. The family set up a cupcake stand outside the shelter, where employees brought out a one-year-old brindle pitbull, who had sadly lost his right leg in a car accident.
Stewart’s voice trembled with emotion as he recalled the first meeting with his beloved four-legged friend. He even jokingly pulled out a tissue box from beneath his desk, saying, “I thought I’d get further.” He went on to explain that they took the dog home that day and named him Dipper, emphasizing, “In a world of good boys, he was the best.”
Dipper became a daily companion for Stewart. He would take the dog to the office every day and Dipper became a part of the “OG Daily Show dog crew.” Over the years, Dipper had the pleasure of meeting high-profile guests, including actors, authors, presidents, and even kings. Stewart humorously shared a clip of Dipper startling Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai behind the scenes of the show, remarking, “He did what the Taliban could not do.”
With a heavy heart, Stewart announced that Dipper passed away on Sunday, surrounded by his family. “He was ready. He was tired… but I wasn’t,” Stewart expressed. He wished the audience to one day find a dog like Dipper, saying, “That one dog. And just… he’s the best.” The show ended with a dedication of the nightly “Moment of Zen” to footage of Dipper happily playing in the snow.
Stewart, who hosted The Daily Show from 1999 to 2015, has returned as executive producer and host for the month. His love for animals extends beyond Dipper, as Stewart and his wife Tracey have turned their 45-acre farm into a sanctuary for abused animals.
It’s always heart-wrenching to bid farewell to a beloved dog, and our hearts go out to Jon Stewart and his family during this time of loss. We extend our gratitude to Stewart for rescuing Dipper and providing him with a loving home for all those years. Let us remember Dipper and share his story in his memory.
Check out the video below to witness Jon Stewart’s emotional announcement: