After being taken to the hospital and receiving a difficult-to-accept and impossible prognosis, a 20-year-old guy died in a horrible manner. He passed away just a few months after the news was announced. Those who knew him were surprised by the fact that he did not beg for assistance.
Mădălin is the name of the young man in issue, and he is from Timișoara. He was a typical 20-year-old boy. Being an intelligent and responsible young man, he worked and had a peaceful life. Nobody knew what would happen to Madalin and how the whole drama would finish.
The boy had been feeling unwell lately, but he blamed it on his stressful job and lack of sleep. He made an effort to change his way of living by obtaining enough rest, eating adequately, and handling job stress little more calmly. Mădălin felt increasingly worse, thus it all ended in vain.
The young man had no one to talk to about his situation, no one to offer him advice on what he should do because his parents were divorced and did not get along with them. Only his brother was close to him. Madalin came to the conclusion that he should visit the doctor after speaking to his brother. At first, he was reluctant, but his brother persuaded him to accept. Mădălin worked for a firm in Timișoara at this period, barely scraping by from one month to the next on the low salaries he received.
He visited the doctor after feeling unwell for a while to conduct some tests and find out why he had been feeling so poorly lately. He was consulted by the physicians before a decision was made. Madalin had severe leukemia.
A extremely costly procedure was his last remaining option.
Madalin opted to suffer in secret without revealing the sickness he was dealing with and to beg for sympathy since he lacked the funds for treatment. The boy’s brother was the only one who was aware of his condition, yet he was also unable to provide any assistance.
Madalin’s health rapidly worsened till it was terminal; the doctors then informed him that there was nothing more they could do for him and sent him home. Shortly after, he passed away and was then taken on the final, painful road for his loved ones.