TikTok has become a popular platform for people of all ages to discover new trends and get inspiration. Whether you’re looking for cooking tips, workout ideas, or just want to watch some entertaining dance videos, TikTok has something for everyone.

However, not all trends on TikTok are safe or healthy, and one trend that we need to talk about is ‘dry scooping.’ This trend involves swallowing protein powder without mixing it with water or any other liquid. While it may seem like a convenient shortcut, it can actually be incredibly dangerous.

Why is dry scooping so dangerous? Well, for starters, it can lead to serious health issues. One young woman even suffered a heart attack after dry scooping. Others have reported difficulty breathing when the dry powder enters their lungs.

One of the main problems with dry scooping is the sudden intake of caffeine. Many pre-workout powders contain high levels of caffeine, and consuming it all at once can have serious consequences. Briatney Portillo, a 20-year-old who experienced a heart attack after dry scooping, shared her story.

She described feeling tingly and itchy all over her body after taking the pre-workout powder. Ignoring the symptoms, she continued with her workout, but then she felt a heavy chest and slight pain. It wasn’t until she got lightheaded, started sweating, and felt intense chest pain along with pain in her left arm that she realized she was having a heart attack. It’s a sobering reminder that no one is invincible, even at a young age.

Another significant concern with dry scooping is the lack of regulation. Unlike supplements that are FDA-regulated, pre-workout powders are not. This means you don’t really know what you’re consuming.

Dr. Jason Nagata, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco, warns that these powders could contain banned substances and toxic ingredients that increase the risk of heart attacks, liver disease, and other serious medical complications.

So, what can we learn from all this? It’s crucial to be cautious about what we put into our bodies, especially when it comes to fitness trends we see online. Just because something is popular or promoted by fitness influencers doesn’t mean it’s safe. We all need to prioritize our health and make informed decisions.

Remember, listening to our bodies and consulting with healthcare professionals should always come first. Let’s stay informed, stay safe, and take care of ourselves no matter our age.