The best man speech from an autistic groom’s younger brother went viral and has been viewed more than six million times online.

The speech delivered by 23-year-old Sam Waldron was shared by newlyweds Jonah and Maddy Waldron on their TikTok page, where it has also received more than 766,000 likes.

Sam’s speech, which he delivered earlier in the summer, was charming and humorous, and he said that his elder brother was his “hero” and “never looked down on me” to the 170 guests at the wedding celebration.

The best man at the Iowa wedding said that speaking in front of an audience was difficult.

“You see, I’m autistic. For Pete’s sake, I can be nervous speaking in front of 170 people because of my autism,” he said.

The heartbroken bride and groom instantly reached for Kleenex to wipe away their tears after the speech.

Jonah Waldron is the only guy in the world for whom I would do this. Verify that. Maddy and Jonah Waldron are the only people in the world for whom I would take this action.

The wife was subsequently formally welcomed into the Waldron clan, and he described them as “like a good fudge – mostly sweet with a bunch of nuts.”

Sam subsequently informed the bride that although she had married “the second most handsome Waldron,” she had “all the makings of a great sister.”

He then admitted to his new sister-in-law that, despite having autism, he felt at ease in her presence.

“As for me, Maddy, you know that sometimes I may become uneasy and anxious among many people. Around you, I have never been that way. You help me feel calm. All those around you experience peace because of you.

Sam then focused on his “best brother” of 27 years, who was wiping away tears as he talked.

“Jonah, you never looked down on me growing up as your little brother,” he added.

“You supported me and helped me out. You constantly reassured me that being unique is a great strength, not a flaw.

“You were and still are nice and patient. You accept me exactly as I am.

Then he pointed out to his brother that while he might have been a gifted student, he had never performed hip-hop at a pep rally or been chosen as the school’s homecoming king.

“You continue to help me. You pay attention to me, you are in the now and now, and Maddy and I make me so happy. He finished his remarks with, “God bless you, I love you both,” to a standing ovation.

Sam admitted to being “really anxious before the speech” to

I wasn’t sure if anyone would appreciate my speech before I got up, but he said as I started reading, I felt more at ease.

“I felt like I was speaking for the autism community and to anyone who has autism,” the author said.

His sibling said that he was moved to tears by the speech.

He told the newspaper, “Once he began to speak, I couldn’t hold in the tears of happiness.”

Sam expressed his happiness at how many people had viewed the speech video.

“I felt like I inspired many people, so it was good,” he continued.