Pink and her husband Carey Hart are overjoyed as they celebrate their 18th wedding anniversary. But it wasn’t always smooth sailing for this power couple. Pink openly admits that their journey to this milestone almost didn’t happen. She believes that love is like constantly returning to the table, and their commitment to each other brought them to this grand celebration.

Carey, Pink’s loving husband, reflects on their 22 years together and the 18 years they’ve spent as husband and wife. Throughout their journey, they have experienced countless adventures, raised two amazing kids, explored the world, had their fair share of arguments and make-ups, supported each other, laughed, cried, grown, and shared a million other moments.

Carey confidently expresses that there is no one else on this planet he would rather experience all these beautiful moments with than Pink. Looking ahead, he playfully jokes that as long as Pink doesn’t “kill him first,” they have another amazing 22 years ahead of them!

On the other hand, Pink shares a more emotional perspective, reminiscing about the time when they first met over two decades ago. She recalls that her initial desire was simply to find someone who wouldn’t lie to her. At that time, commitment, building a life together, trust, and intimacy were foreign concepts to her. She admits that navigating these aspects of a relationship is incredibly challenging.

Despite facing their fair share of relationship troubles, Pink and Carey’s love for each other has always triumphed. They briefly parted ways in 2003 but reunited a year later.

Then, in 2008, they announced their separation, only to reconcile a few months later and decide against getting a divorce. Pink expresses immense pride in overcoming these turbulent times, and she sees the “scars” from those challenges as badges of honor.

For her, Carey is not only her stubborn and beautiful rock but also someone who remains unshakeable in their commitment to this enduring love.

In a recent interview with People magazine in 2021, Pink shared how she and Carey have evolved since the early stages of their relationship. When they first started dating, Pink admits to being quite “needy,” relying heavily on Carey. However, as time passed, they both grew individually and realized the importance of maintaining their own identities.

Pink understood that one person cannot fulfill all their needs and roles in life. They both needed their own interests, friends, and personal time. This newfound perspective allowed them to give each other the space and freedom necessary for a thriving relationship.

So here’s a heartfelt congratulations to Pink and Carey Hart on their remarkable 18 years of marriage! Their love story serves as a reminder that true dedication and growth are the keys to a lasting and joyful partnership.