At the recent red carpet premiere of Ferrari, actor Patrick Dempsey, the 57-year-old heartthrob better known as McDreamy from Grey’s Anatomy, made a stylish appearance with his family. Although Patrick and his wife looked stunning, it was their 16-year-old son Darby who stole the show. With his striking resemblance to his famous dad, Darby left fans in awe.

Social media ignited with comments about the uncanny likeness between Patrick and Darby. One person exclaimed, “OMG! His son, the one on the right side of the photo, is his clone! ” Another fan even compared Darby to Patrick’s character on Grey’s Anatomy, dubbing him “the next McDreamy.”

But good looks are not limited to Patrick alone; they run in the Dempsey family. Patrick and his wife, Jillian, became parents for the first time in 2002 when they welcomed their daughter Talula, who is now 21. A few years later, they were blessed with twin boys, Darby and Sullivan, who are now 16.

Patrick acknowledged that having a larger family has its challenges. When his children entered their teenage years, he confessed that things became more difficult and required a lot of energy. Teenagers long for independence, yet they also need guidance and support. Patrick understands this delicate balance, saying, “They need to find out how they interact in the world, they need to learn those boundaries, they need to make mistakes. And you need to be there for them and allow them to learn from that.”

After years of being a runner-up, Patrick was finally honored as the “Sexiest Man Alive.” Accepting this well-deserved recognition, Patrick expressed his gratitude, saying, “I’m glad it’s happening at this point in my life. It’s nice to have the recognition.” Considering how teenagers can be, Patrick anticipated that his children would simply tease him about this title.

The Dempsey family exemplifies the perfect blend of style, talent, and love. With Patrick’s son Darby growing into his father’s handsome features, it’s no wonder fans are excited about his potential as the next “McDreamy.” Stay tuned to see how this charming young man continues to captivate hearts, just like his dad.