This image depicts a purslane. This is a common weed found in lawns and gardens. Although it may be tempting to pull it or destroy it with herbicides, it is a pleasant and healthful plant that may be eaten as a leafy green.

I discovered the benefits of purslane while working on a community garden project. Purslane is high in omega-3 fatty acids and can be used in salads or as a garnish, as a skilled gardener demonstrated. Since then, I’ve made it a point to include purslane in my meals rather than eliminating it from my garden. Continue reading to find more about the benefits of purslane:

To begin, omega-3 fatty acids

According to Mother Earth Living, the omega-3 fatty acids in purslane function as brain fuel, a heart attack preventative, and a depression treatment.

According to Mother Earth Living, the plant is also high in antioxidants, protecting cells and slowing aging.

Calcium and magnesium
Purslane consumption aids in the maintenance of your muscles, bones, and teeth.

four. calcium

Purslane is an excellent addition to your diet since it includes potassium, which helps to decrease blood pressure.

Most people believe that the sole sources of iron are red meat and beans. Purslane, on the other hand, is a good source of iron, according to Heal With Food.


Purslane’s green look may lead you to believe it is a poor source of beta carotene, but the Chicago Tribune states it is one of the plant’s most important properties.

Purslane contains 93% water, according to Progressive Health. Consume the plant to rehydrate the cells in your body.

Glutathione and melatonin
Purslane contains melatonin, which regulates sleep-wake cycles, and glutathione, an antioxidant that aids in cell damage prevention, according to Progressive Health.


According to Progressive Health, the antioxidant betalain contained in purslane can prevent cholesterol from damaging blood vessels. Purslane is well known for its ability to decrease LDL cholesterol levels.

Purslane contains this essential amino acid that regulates mood. According to Progressive Health, eating purslane can aid depression.