Do you want to attempt something you’ll never regret? Soak your feet in vinegar for 30 minutes (remember to time!), and you’ll notice some fascinating things. No, it’s about much more than just eradicating the terrible odor of feet.

One of the foods utilized for culinary and sanitary purposes is apple cider vinegar. Housewives use it to clean toilets, dishes, sinks, and other objects that are not only dirty from dust in the house but also have a stale odor. Apple cider vinegar can also be used to polish carpets, door handles, and windows.

Every day, wipe your face with apple cider vinegar. The results are stunning.

The apple cider vinegar diet lasts only 3 days.

What happens if you soak your feet in vinegar for 30 minutes?

You will eliminate the unpleasant odor of your feet. Set your alarm for 30 minutes, and then remove your feet from the basin without wiping them. Allow your feet to dry for a few minutes before wiping them with a soft cloth.

It eliminates bacteria that accumulate on the feet and lowers the risk of athlete’s foot. If you wash your feet with vinegar on a regular basis, you will have healthier nails that grow faster, and your heels will no longer crack.

Apple cider vinegar aids in the re-softening of the feet. If you walk a lot during the day, they may appear dry and the

Other uses of vinegar:

  • If you add apple cider vinegar to a simple, fragrance-free shampoo, you will get rid of dandruff faster and prevent your hair strands from breaking.
  • Mix vinegar with honey and gargle to cure an inflamed and red throat.
  • If you want your shoes to no longer have an unpleasant smell, spray apple cider vinegar every evening and morning, before you put them on.