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Even though smaller carpets and rugs are now being worn more, it is important to know how to maintain them as they are a source of dust and mites.

Carpet cleaning can be done on a regular basis or in depth. If you have wondered how to clean carpets, we will show you a simple and cheap method.

Method with vinegar, sodium bicarbonate and detergent

This at-home carpet cleaning method requires only a few readily available ingredients and can be applied quickly and effectively. You will need the following ingredients:

White vinegar – a third of a glass

Baking soda – one tablespoon

Detergent for clothes – one spoon

Hot water (the amount should be determined by you)

A sprayer


Mix white vinegar, baking soda, and laundry detergent in a bowl.

Add the hot water to the sprayer left over from the window washer solution and then add the mixture from earlier as well.

Spray the product directly onto the carpet, making sure to cover the entire surface.

Leave the mixture for 3-4 minutes to act on the dirt.

Use a carpet brush to scrub the carpet, thus removing dirt and unpleasant odors.

Fill a basin with warm water and add some vinegar to it.

Immediately after you finish scrubbing the carpet, dip a clean cloth in the vinegar-water solution and gently wipe the carpet.

After you finish cleaning, you can leave the window open to allow proper ventilation of the room, or if you are in a hurry, you can use a hair dryer to quickly dry the carpet.

This simple and effective method will allow you to return to the previous appearance of your carpet. Thanks to ingredients like vinegar and baking soda, you will eliminate unpleasant odors and get a fresh and clean carpet.

Regular carpet cleaning is essential to maintaining a healthy and clean environment in your home. Also, make sure you don’t let dirt build up and pay special attention to areas that are more exposed to heavy traffic.


Carpet cleaning can be a simple task if you use this easy and effective method with vinegar, baking soda and detergent. Make sure you follow the instructions and pay attention when scrubbing and mopping the carpet. With a little effort, you’ll be able to keep your carpets clean and fresh for years to come!

Don’t forget to also pay attention to the general maintenance of your floors and carpets to ensure a healthy environment in your home.