When it comes to remembering and honoring our departed loved ones, we each have our own ways of doing so. Respecting the traditions of others is important, even if they are unfamiliar to us. One such tradition that you may have noticed is the placement of coins on gravestones. But what does it mean and where did it come from? Let’s explore.

Placing coins on gravestones is a common custom observed in cemeteries around the world. It is believed to have originated during the Vietnam War era. In those times of political divide, leaving a coin on a grave became a practical way to communicate that you had visited without getting into uncomfortable political arguments.

For veterans, leaving coins on the graves of fallen comrades holds a special significance. Each type of coin represents something different. A penny simply signifies that someone was there, while a nickel is left by someone who served in boot camp with the deceased. A dime symbolizes the time served together in the military. Quarters indicate that the person who left the coin was present at the time of the loved one’s passing.

While the practice was initially associated with the military, it has evolved over time. Nowadays, people from all walks of life may leave coins on gravestones as a gesture of remembrance and respect. It’s a small but meaningful way to honor the memory of those who have passed on.

Have you ever come across a coin left on a gravestone? Were you aware of its significance? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.