Tucker Carlson is a well-known journalist, author, political analyst, and columnist who has amassed a sizable fan base over the course of his career. Despite some of his supporters urging that he run for president in 2024, Tucker has not responded or expressed any stated interest in such an undertaking.

Tucker Carlson was born in California in 1969 and currently resides there with his brother Buckley and father Dick Carlson. McNear Lombardi, Tucker’s mother, left the family when Tucker was six years old.

During the final years of the Cold War, his father, Dick Carlson, worked as a journalist and as the director of Voice of America, while Lombardi pursued a career as an artist.

Tucker initially wanted to work for the CIA but was turned down, prompting his father to recommend a career in journalism.

Tucker’s father told him, according to Columbia Journalism Review, “You should consider journalism.” They’ll take just about anyone.”

Tucker’s popularity grew as his career proceeded, grabbing the hearts of many as a daring commentator who bravely attacked a variety of themes.

People fell in love with his outspoken remarks, but his vividly colored bow tie did not go ignored.

“Wearing a bow tie is like wearing a middle finger around your neck; it invites mockery and ridicule… the number of persons who yelled the F-word at me… “After a while, it wore me down, so I caved and became conventional,” Tucker explained.

Tucker Carlson married his 10th-grade girlfriend, Susan Anderson, in 1991.

Tucker told People magazine in 2000, “She was the most adorable 10th grader in the entire country.”

Susan recalled their early days, saying, “He had a lively stride, wearing khaki pants and a ribbon belt.” He projected such brightness and positivity even back then.”

They cannot imagine a life apart from one another after more than three decades of marriage because their link is indivisible.

They had four children together: a son named Buckley and three daughters named Lillie, Hopie, and Dorothy.

Tucker is a dedicated father and a loving husband, despite his gruff on-screen character. He treasures his time with his son, and they frequently go fishing together.

His eldest daughter, Lillie, also appeared in a text published in the New York Times in 2005. Tucker told the story of how she bravely played with an alligator until the guide intervened and asked her to stop.

Carlson opened up on why he stopped his son from watching Oprah Winfrey’s show

“When I had a son, I stopped watching Oprah because it was just too anti-male, and I felt like I did not want to bring him up in a home where Oprah was constantly attacking men, And remember, keep your boys away from Oprah or it will make them feel bad about being male. It’s absolutely true.

Keep your girls away from rap, keep your boys away from Oprah. And everybody will be fine.