Gary Sinise's wife diagnosed with same illness that killed son

Gary Sinise, the beloved actor and humanitarian, has been struck by a devastating blow. Just months after losing his son, McCanna Anthony “Mac” Sinise, aged 33, to cancer, he revealed that his wife, Moira Harris Sinise, has also been diagnosed with the same illness. This news has left the family heartbroken and grappling with immense grief.

Mac’s Courageous Battle and Tragic Loss

Mac had been fighting a rare form of cancer called Chordoma since August 8, 2018. After a valiant 5 ½ year fight, he tragically lost his battle on January 5. In a heartfelt statement, Gary expressed the profound grief that comes with losing a child and extended his sympathy to others who have experienced a similar loss. He also highlighted the incredible strength and determination Mac displayed throughout his battle. Despite facing a cancer with no cure, Mac never gave up.

Moira’s Resilience and Cancer Journey

The Sinise family faced a series of challenges in the summer of 2018 when Moira received her own cancer diagnosis. As if that wasn’t devastating enough, they soon discovered that Mac was also battling cancer. Gary described this double diagnosis as a “real punch in the gut.” Moira showed tremendous strength as she fought her own health battle while supporting her son through his struggles. This was not the first time Moira had faced hardships. In the mid-1990s, she battled alcoholism and underwent multiple back surgeries. She successfully overcame her addiction with the help of AI-Anon Family Groups.

Moira’s resilience was tested once again when she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer in 2018. Despite grueling treatments, she achieved remission and remains cancer-free. Throughout this difficult time, Gary managed the day-to-day medical care while Moira remained by Mac’s side as his constant companion. Their bond was unbreakable.

The Sinise family has faced unimaginable pain and loss, but they continue to find solace in the love and support of their community. Gary Sinise, known for his charitable work and dedication to honoring veterans, is surrounded by people who admire and care for him deeply.