Brooke Shields, the renowned actress and supermodel, has always been admired for her talent and beauty. But behind her success, she has faced unfair criticism and hurtful body-shaming remarks.

At 58 years old, Brooke is now opening up about the challenges she faced, particularly from her own mother, who was also her manager. Growing up, her mother would sometimes get drunk and say hurtful things like, “Why don’t you move your fat ass?” These damaging comments left a lasting impact on Brooke’s self-perception.

Although her mother passed away in 2012 after a battle with alcoholism, the scars remained. It took years for Brooke to heal from the emotional damage inflicted by her mother’s body-shaming words.

However, it was her loving husband, Chris Henchy, who played a significant role in helping Brooke accept and appreciate her body. Their 17-year marriage and his work as a screenwriter provided the support she needed. Chris celebrated her womanliness and found beauty in her that she couldn’t see herself.

In her own words, Brooke shared, “I would walk backwards out of rooms, and he’d say: ‘No, I want to grab onto you.’ And I needed a man to celebrate me.” His unwavering love and encouragement were transformative for her.

Despite being considered beautiful by many, Brooke was not immune to criticism. Even from a young age, when she started modeling swimsuits at 15, she struggled with feeling inadequate about her body. People described her as “athletic” and “not super skinny,” and these comments stuck with her.

Several years ago, Brooke embarked on another swimsuit campaign with Calvin Klein. She dedicated herself to the role, working hard to look her best. She made lifestyle changes, exercising regularly, and giving up alcohol. Yet, she still felt the hunger for acceptance.

It is both surprising and reassuring to learn about Brooke’s own insecurities. Despite the world’s perception of her beauty, she faced body image challenges and criticism from her loved ones. However, the unwavering love and support of her husband helped her embrace her body and find self-acceptance.

Recently, Brooke also opened up about a traumatic experience of sexual assault that occurred over 30 years ago. In a brave interview with People, she revealed that a Hollywood executive assaulted her shortly after graduating from Princeton University.

At the time, she blamed herself and kept the incident a secret, fearing it would ruin her career. However, she now realizes that such situations are terrifying and not the fault of the victims. Brooke has chosen to share her story in the hope of helping others who may have experienced similar trauma.

Her story sheds light on the unfortunate reality of sexual assault in Hollywood. A two-part documentary called “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields” will delve deeper into her experiences, serving as a testament to her strength and resilience.

After graduating from Princeton, Brooke found herself in a vulnerable position in her career. When she met with a Hollywood executive for dinner, she anticipated professional opportunities. Instead, she was assaulted in his hotel room, with him using a deceptive excuse to lure her there.

In the aftermath, Brooke felt immense guilt and blamed herself. She questioned her choices, wondering why she went up to his room and why she had that drink at dinner. Only one trusted friend, Gavin de Becker, knew about the incident at the time.

Now, Brooke is ready to share her story, empowering other women to speak their truth and find support in their journey of healing. She hopes to be an advocate for survivors and inspire others not to feel alone.

Despite the challenges she has faced, Brooke Shields continues to thrive in her career and personal life. Her journey reminds us that even those admired for their beauty can struggle with self-acceptance and face difficult experiences. Let’s send our well wishes and share her inspiring story with others.