Brian “Brizz” Gillis, one of the original singers of the boy band LFO in the 1990s, died at 47.

His former bandmate, Brad Fischetti, relayed the news with followers on Instagram, writing, “The first two chapters of the LFO saga lost a significant character yesterday.” The LFO you grew to know and (hopefully) love would not exist if it weren’t for his hard work and dedication in the early days of LFO, the first two chapters.”

Brian, Brad, and Rich Cronin founded LFO in 1995. Initially known as the Lyte Funky Ones, they quickly changed their name to LFO and achieved fame in the late 1990s with songs such as “Girl on TV” and “Summer Girls.”

Brian left the band in 1998, before their debut album was released, and was replaced by Devin Lima. Brian died on March 29, but Brad said he knew nothing else. Brian is the third of the band’s four members to pass away. Rich passed away in 2010, and Brian’s replacement, Devin, died in 2018.

“I have a hard time processing this awful loss. I’ve said it before and will repeat it: the LFO story is a tragedy. If you’ve followed my work, you’ll know I’m attempting to bring light into the darkness. Attempting to find redemption during grief and suffering. Trying to honor Brian’s legacy,” Brad commented with a photo of him.

“My friendship with Brian was complicated. It had moments of immense suffering as well as moments of great joy. I learned a lot from him about the music business and how to put on and rock a show.”

“And it is on those wonderful qualities of our relationship that I shall rely now and in the future. For many years, I’ve prayed for Brian every day. And I will keep praying for him, for his beloved father, for his friends, relatives, and all who loved him.”

“I know Brizz will be greeted by Rich and Devin soon, if not already,” he ended. “And I’m hoping that they’ll make some lovely sounds together. That would be fantastic. Rest well, East. Take it easy.”