According to recent rumors, Jay Leno has been forced to postpone performances after suffering serious injuries in a tragic accident.
TMZ reports that Jay Leno was taken by ambulance to a burn hospital in California after sustaining severe burns on his face. According to TMZ, Jay was in the garage where he keeps his collection of high-end automobiles when one of them caught fire.
According to a source with direct knowledge of the incident, Leno’s left side of his face was scorched by the flames. Thankfully, it appears that neither his ear nor eye were damaged by the flames.
Although Jay Leno is well renowned for many things, his passion for his large collection of automobiles is likely what makes him most well known. His character on the most recent episode of Last Man Standing paid respect to his pastime.
The former “Tonight Show” host was supposed to participate at a conference called “The Financial Brand” in Las Vegas on the day of the accident. Emails informing guests invited to the event of the cancellation due to “a very major medical emergency” were sent out.
His family had already notified those in charge of planning the celebration, but until a TMZ report shed light on what had happened, they withheld any additional information regarding the medical situation.
In addition to the burns he received in the car crash, Jay Leno has since had other health issues. He is impelled to spread the word about the importance of routine exams and to implore others to put their health first because he battles high cholesterol.
He has abstained from alcohol and cigarette use as part of his efforts to lead a better lifestyle. He has also had EKG equipment installed to track his heart rate.
Currently, the hurt comic is fully recovering from his tragedy. There were no current plans to reschedule any of his appointments or meetings, and this week’s timetable was quite clear.