Tori Spelling is well known for her time in the 90210 series. Her father, a billionaire television producer, gave the impression that her life off the screen was equally as spectacular as it was on it. But it seems like the actress has been having trouble lately.

Please continue reading to learn more about what prompted Tori Spelling to rush her kids to the emergency room.

Tori Spelling is quite candid about her personal life on social media. The actress has recently spoken up in several of her posts on her family’s struggles.

On Wednesday of this week, she blogged about rushing her two youngest children to the emergency room after becoming ill. For her family, it was a “continual spiral of sickness” at this time, according to her description.

Who is to blame for all of their health problems? Mold. The actress revealed that the place they were renting had mold, making everyone ill. “We’ve returned to the urgent care facility. We’ve all been in this never-ending cycle of illness for weeks. Sick. Become better. to relapse with illness. Well, it happens when you have small children attending school, I used to think.

Diseases are always brought home by them. But when their absence from school is more than their absence from home, we must reevaluate the situation. Children will be children, but when your two youngest (10 and 6) are so sickly that they spend the entire day resting and complaining that they feel faint even while standing, you know something more serious is going on, Spelling wrote.

Spelling claimed that things began to make more sense after the mold was discovered in their home during an inspection. She finally identified the underlying factor behind her family’s frequent ailments. She talked about their symptoms, which seemed somewhat allergic. The concerned mother admitted that her children would experience dizziness even when standing up.

“Many thanks to Sean with Pacific Scope Inspections, who visited our property and found the severe mold. Everything started to fit together. Have you ever experienced a mold infection? You’re constantly ill from one infection to another. infections of the lungs.

They also experienced severe allergy-like symptoms and skin rashes like my poor Finn. As we observe everyone being swabbed in the urgent care center today, the woman added that Finn was the first to be diagnosed with strep throat and a 103-degree fever.

The reality television star lamented how the mold problem had taken control of their lives. They would need to relocate since the house they were renting posed a health risk. “We now understand that the phrasing used to describe the residence as a health hazard and unlivable was accurate. We now understand! A large family is difficult to uproot, especially when everyone is ill and confined to bed. We shall, however, immediately leave the house. I’m looking for a @airbnb, @vrbo, or hotel till we even know what to do,” Spelling added.

Since we only rent, we will also be relocating soon. We’re grateful we have renter’s insurance. Without it, we wouldn’t know how to approach this. Has anyone experienced mold illness? This happens more frequently the more internet research I do, which makes me sad.

The actress recently opened up about the family’s frequent doctor visits, with her daughter Stella receiving a diagnosis of hemiplegic migraine in January after both Liam and Beau were admitted to the hospital with different ailments the same month.

The mother of five posted, “3rd child in the hospital in 2 weeks…wtf,” on her Instagram story in January. Over a picture of her son Liam sporting a hospital bracelet, she put the text. The actress had said, “This morning at the hospital with our youngest and now this evening at the ER with one of our oldest.”

Before the Holidays in late 2017, the actress had been hospitalized because of dizziness and breathing problems.

It’s good that the family caught the problem right away because it could have worsened. We wish the family all the best and hope they feel well soon! Send this to anyone interested in learning about the latest health news for the Spelling family.