Debra Goddard, who lives in Twickenham, West London, received the nicest gift of her life. She bought a ring for $13 at a garage sale more than 33 years ago. She assumed it was made of plastic and had little worth. She’d been wearing it for a long time and adored it. But, due to family issues, she needed money and decided to try to sell the ring.

She was astounded to learn that the ring had a diamond worth $957,000. Debra stated that she received the ring around 1986. She mistook the ring for plastic, but it was actually a 26.27-carat diamond. What the…?

Find out what she got for the ring in the end.

Debra decided to sell the ring since a family member had stolen her mother’s life savings. Because the ring was large and lovely, she hoped to obtain roughly $1,000 for it. But the jeweler had something much better to say to her. He almost passed out when he found out it was a diamond, according to her.

She was up all night contemplating what to do with the lovely ring. She finally took the diamond ring to Sotheby’s, where it would be auctioned off. She did not receive almost $1 million from the sale, but she did receive $607,900.

Debra believes this is a sign that wonderful things are on their way for her and her family. She stated that she and her mother had been through a lot and that her mother had been exploited. She gave her mother the majority of the money.

What is she doing with the money?

Debra doesn’t worry about money, therefore she enjoys caring for her mother. June, her mother, has traveled to Barbados, seen Celine Dion and Tom Jones in concert in Las Vegas, and purchased a new fur coat. What a lovely young lady!

Debra claims to be working on a book that will teach people how to identify useful items at garage sales. She plans to donate any profits from the book to a children’s charity. She volunteers at a charity for orphaned children and hopes that the money will benefit both the children and the youth leaders there.

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