In an airport lounge, a man is by himself.

A stunning young woman enters and sits at the table next to him.

He determines that she is most likely an off-duty flight attendant because she is dressed in a uniform.

He then decides to try and pick her up by recognizing the airline she flies for and highly impressing her in the process.

He says to fly, to serve, the motto of British Airways, as he leans across to her.

The girl gives him a blank stare.

He reclines and comes up with a new line.

The Air France slogan is recited as he leans forward once again. “Winning the hearts of the world”

She only stares at him once more, appearing a little perplexed.

He tries again, this time uttering the Malaysian Airlines slogan, unfazed. “Going above and beyond expectations”?

What the f%*k do you want, the woman demands as she gives him a severe look.

He exclaims, “Aha! United Airlines.”