A man is driving down a country road when he loses control of his car and ends up in a ditch. He gets out of the car and knocks on a farmhouse door for help. He explains his situation to the farmer.

The farmer gets his horse and they walk to the crash scene. The farmer then uses rope to tie the horse to the car Pull, Zoomer, pull” the farmer shouts, but the horse doesn’t move. Pull, Radar, pull” the farmer

yells again, but again, the horse stands still Pull, Dasher, pull” yells the farmer, but the horse stands like a rock.
Pull, Dusty, pull” shouts the farmer, and the horse finally gets the car out with minimal effort.
The driver is dumbfounded so he asks the farmer:
“Why do you call your horse different names?”
You see,” the farmer replies, “Dusty is blind.
“If he knew he was working by himself, he wouldn’t have pulled.”

Here are 10 original funny jokes for you:

  1. Why don’t skeletons fight each other? Because they don’t have the guts!
  2. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot!
  3. I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it!
  4. Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet.
  5. What did one wall say to the other wall? “I’ll meet you at the corner!”
  6. How do you organize a space party? You “planet”!
  7. Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!
  8. Did you hear about the math book that’s sad? It has too many problems.
  9. Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!
  10. I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised!

I hope these jokes bring some laughter to your day!