A man taking a DNA sample | Source: Shutterstock

A 12-year marriage came crashing down when a husband decided to request a paternity test for their middle child. This decision ultimately led to the breakdown of trust and the possibility of divorce. The husband, a 37-year-old man, turned to Reddit to express his doubts about his relationship with his middle son. He explained, “We have three kids and I always had this nagging feeling that our middle child wasn’t mine. Our oldest and youngest look just like me, but my middle child doesn’t.”

The husband’s motivation for requesting a paternity test stemmed from his knowledge that cheating was a deal-breaker for his wife. However, instead of understanding his concerns, his wife was deeply insulted by the request.

This further fueled the husband’s suspicions, and he decided to go ahead with the test. The results confirmed that the middle child was indeed his biological son. But instead of resolving the issue, this revelation caused even more problems in their marriage.

A father with his two sons | Source: Getty images

The wife felt that her husband’s request for a paternity test was a clear indication of his lack of trust in her. She was hurt, and their son began to question where he fit into the family since he didn’t resemble his father. Despite the husband’s efforts to convince his wife otherwise, she remained unwilling to accept his viewpoint. Ultimately, she brought up the possibility of divorce, leaving the husband shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

The husband returned to Reddit a few months later with an update, sharing that his wife had finally agreed to have a conversation with him. However, her feelings hadn’t changed completely. She couldn’t forgive him for doubting her and causing harm to their son. Trust had been shattered, and she doubted whether they could ever recover from this betrayal.

The paternity test not only affected the husband’s relationship with his son but also strained his relationship with all his children. None of them were talking to him, and his wife desired a separation. Reddit users did not sympathize with the husband either. They believed that the wife did the right thing by recognizing her own worth and that of her son. Many commenters thought that the husband’s past infidelity and his decision to doubt his marriage warranted a divorce.

A couple fighting | Source: Shutterstock

The husband’s focus on his own peace of mind and the disregard for the pain he caused his wife and children further angered the online community. They found it frustrating that he prioritized his desire for a paternity test based on the child’s resemblance to him. Readers empathized with the wife and understood why she could never trust her husband again. Many believed that the husband’s issues extended beyond just the paternity test and that he had failed as a parent.

In the end, this story serves as a reminder of the importance of trust and open communication in a marriage. Doubts and suspicions can cause irreparable damage, and it takes sincere efforts from both partners to rebuild what has been broken.