Do you really know your neighbors? Have you ever thought about going the extra mile for them? What if I told you about a 31-year-old man named Chris Salvatore who did just that for his 89-year-old neighbor, Norma Cook?

It all started in 2013 when Chris moved into an apartment across the hall from Norma and her cat, Hermes. They would exchange greetings in passing, but it wasn’t until Chris introduced himself that their friendship truly blossomed. Despite the significant age gap, they became fast friends, always there for each other’s conversations and daily routines.

As the years went by, Norma’s health began to deteriorate rapidly, leaving her in need of round-the-clock care. The hospital informed Chris that she would require constant assistance if she were to return home. With no children or family nearby, Norma was faced with a difficult decision.

Feeling the strong bond he had developed with Norma, Chris turned to the internet to seek help for his dear friend. He set up a GoFundMe page, hoping to raise enough funds to cover the costs of a caregiver. However, after testing a few caretakers, Chris realized that it wasn’t enough. Norma needed more than just hired help; she needed someone who truly cared.

Unable to bear the thought of Norma spending her final days in a facility, Chris made a life-changing decision. He extended an invitation for Norma to move in with him. This act of love and kindness gave Norma the gift of being able to spend her last days in the comfort of a familiar home, surrounded by the love and companionship of a friend.

Living together, Chris and Norma shared countless precious moments. They bonded over their conversations, watching the news together, and indulging in champagne and peanuts. It was a true testament to their incredible friendship.

Sadly, on February 15, 2017, Norma passed away. Chris, heartbroken by the loss, shared the news on Instagram, where he often chronicled their many adventures together. Norma had referred to Chris as the grandson she never had, highlighting the incredibly special relationship they had built.

Chris didn’t have to go to such lengths to care for Norma, but his actions spoke volumes about the type of person he is. He couldn’t stand the thought of his dear friend spending her final days in a hospital, devoid of the love and compassion she deserved. It is acts like these that remind us of the power of kindness and the impact it can have on someone’s life.

So, the next time you see your neighbor, take a moment to engage in a conversation, to lend a helping hand, or to simply offer a friendly smile. Because, just like Chris Salvatore, we can all make a difference in someone’s life by showing a little more kindness and compassion.

Share this heartwarming story and let’s inspire others to follow in Chris’s footsteps!

31-year-old invites ill 89-year-old neighbor to move in with him