Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is now the Democratic candidate for president of the United States. Hold on to your seats, folks! The same person who couldn’t find our southern border on a map of Texas is now vying to be our commander-in-chief. But does any of this matter to the media? Of course not.

The media wants to frame this as a team sport showdown – left versus right, Democrat versus Republican. But let me tell you the truth: it’s actually the media narrative machine versus reality. And that machine is operating at full speed. Their strategy is simple: flood the airwaves with lies, leaving no room for anything else.

Quick question – besides constructing a fort out of empty boxed wine cartons, can you name one thing that Kamala Harris has accomplished in the last four years? No one can. Yet, the Democrats don’t seem to care. They simply replaced Joe Biden with her. I hope they at least cleaned up his mess before doing so. But in order to achieve their goals, they can’t stay in the realm of reality.

As a result, the mainstream media is gearing up to bombard us with a narrative that Kamala is the answer to all our problems – amazing, historic, energetic, young, and fresh. Meanwhile, the best they could say about Joe was that he was disturbingly lifelike. But this narrative is going up against a different perception – the basket case theory. With time, America will realize the flaws and peculiarities of Kamala until they see that she’s actually a basket case herself. Can you envision her delivering a State of the Union address or negotiating with leaders like Putin or Kim Jong Un? Even they speak better English than she does. After a few sentences from her, the translators would throw up their hands and say, “I’ll take the firing squad now.” Our only hope is that, after hearing about coconut school buses and Venn diagrams, they’ll be too confused to attack us.

So it becomes Kamala the Savior versus Kamala the basket case. And the media’s goal is to make you believe in the first narrative so you don’t enter the second one. Every Joy, Mika, and Joe in the media will read from the same script, trying to blind you with their synchronized swimming routine. They’ll kick water in your eyes so you can’t see that they’re drowning. This is exactly what they did with Biden – they kept you in the world where “he’s sharp as a tack” and away from the truth that “he’s a basket case.” And guess what? Harris took part in that lie for nearly four years. That should be the focus – not her linguistic abilities, but rather the fact that she lied to the American people, aiding the most egregious and dangerous political cover-up in American history.

When the time was right, she took his spot and his money. Now, I believe that today’s media consumer is savvy enough to see through this charade. Surely, you won’t fall for it. We’ve been burned by the media’s deception many times before – when they claimed riots were mostly peaceful, called Trump a Nazi, and insisted Biden was the sharpest knife in the drawer. Although, it seems like his allies were even sharper when they stabbed him in the back. So remember who deceived you last time as we enter into the most orchestrated hoax yet.

Let’s face it, Kamala, who has been a punchline for the past four years, is nothing more than a joke. As we approach the finish line, remember this: it’s not Kamala versus Trump. It’s fantasy versus reality. If you fall into the trap of thinking it’s an “us versus them” situation, you lose. Because this time, it’s not just about different ideologies. This time, it’s you versus the media machine, image versus reality, peaceful protests versus a city in ruins, a serious prosecutor versus the release of felons. Is Joe Biden really sharp or did we just beat Medicare? Are we dealing with cheap imitations or real dementia?

You need to see Kamala the way you saw Biden – critically and with clear eyes. Remember that the people who will shout from the rooftops that they’ve never seen anyone as competent, compelling, and inspiring as Kamala Harris are the same people who said a mentally unfit old man should be the most powerful person on earth. Otherwise, the joke will be on us. And while she may be laughing, trust me, we won’t be.