The phrase ‘age is just a number’ is commonly heard around the world. However, not everyone seemed to believe in it. When this 76-year-old grandmother voiced her sense of style, she was confronted with harsh words.

She, on the other hand, did not hold back. Continue reading to learn more about what occurred!

76-year-old Candace Leslie Cima goes by several names. Being a wife, mother, and grandma are all examples of this. Aside from that, she is an artist, businesswoman, and model. The senior lives in Buffalo, New York, and writes a blog called “Life In My 70s: Aging Is Changing.”

She advises other women on her blog on embracing changes in themselves as they grow older, as well as about lifestyle and fashion. Cima claims she has had a long-standing interest in aging. She got it in her twenties and thirties. She has owned a senior living facility for numerous decades. She has met elderly individuals from various walks of life.

Cima has determined from her extensive experience with the elderly, “The one thing I know for certain is that Aging is Changing.” We are not our mothers’ or grandmothers’ mothers. We now have the opportunity to be creative, intellectual, caring, [and] fashionable ladies in our older years.”

She also has a TikTok account where she shows off her life and fashion choices to her over 100,000 followers. While she has many fans, she also has trolls who dislike what she wears.

She frequently wears stylish clothing; in one video, she was wearing light blue pants, a white short-sleeved top, and heels. The subtitles in the video stated that she frequently hears remarks that she should not wear this because she is “60 years old,” to which she appears to pay no attention and reveals that she was actually 75 at the time!

She also tweeted a video of herself strolling near a swimming pool while on vacation in Florida. She was dressed elegantly in a black one-piece swimsuit. People marveled about how stunning she looked in the comments.

She created her TikTok account to inspire other ladies to embrace the beauty of aging and let go of the negative stereotypes associated with it.

Her blog frequently emphasizes the benefits of aging and how it changes you for the better as a person. She appreciates the fact that she is becoming less stressed as she ages; learning new things and being courageous are two of her favorite things.

She advises women that aging may be the finest thing ever happening to them. “Many older women live vibrant and fulfilling lives as they age,” she says. Women are smashing records and breaking down barriers at an increasing rate.”

She is adamant about showing older ladies that they do not have to follow society’s standards regarding what they may and cannot wear. She wants to challenge the notion that you can’t do certain things after age.

Cima understands how tension and anxiety can take root in her head as she grows older. She claims that time and meditation can help her deal with those sentiments.

As she grows older, she better understands what works best for her in life. “Attitude is everything,” she said, “and changing how you look at something can change how you feel about it.” Changing your feelings about it can influence the outcome… Aging does not mean stopping; it means you have amassed wisdom that is unstoppable if you desire it.”

As she gets older, she learns how important health is. The 76-year-old follows an active schedule and shares snatches of her workouts. She uses a strong yoga practice to keep herself active and healthy.

Her yoga video drew many comments from people astonished by how flexible she was, even at her age. She demonstrates to her audience what healthy aging looks like. “You are so inspiring!” said one fan. “I’m 44 and have been following a few older women on social media to see graceful and healthy aging examples.”

Even when subjected to ageist remarks, she does not take them personally. The 76-year-old is proof that beauty knows no age!

Candace is a cheerful reminder of what aging might look like if you do things on your own. Share this excellent story with your friends and family so they can learn how to age gracefully!