Smartphones have become an essential part of our lives, making things more convenient and accessible. However, it’s important to be aware of potential dangers. One such danger is using your phone while it’s charging. This may seem harmless, but it can actually put you at risk.

One of the main reasons why you should avoid using your phone while it’s charging is the potential for an explosion. It is extremely dangerous to cover the device with your body, dress, or bedding because this can cause the phone to burst into flames. This is not just a myth; there have been real incidents where phones have exploded, causing serious harm to individuals. For instance, there was a case in which an Indian child suffered severe hand injuries when his phone exploded due to supposed expanded radiation caused by low battery.

It is often believed that low battery causes mobile phones to emit more radiation. However, this is not entirely accurate. The true culprit behind increased radiation is a weak signal. When your smartphone has a weak signal, it has to work harder, leading to higher radiation emissions. So, it’s advisable to keep your distance from your smartphone when you are in an elevator, in remote areas, or in structures where the signal is weak.

Another crucial factor to consider is the charger you use. Many people opt for cheaper non-endorsed chargers, particularly from brands like China. However, these counterfeit chargers can be extremely risky. They can not only damage your smartphone but also put you at risk of explosions and serious bodily harm. Even reputable companies like Samsung are advising their customers to avoid using non-endorsed chargers for their smartphones. It’s better to invest in a genuine charger to ensure your safety.

In conclusion, low battery is not the reason why smartphones explode. It’s essential to be cautious and avoid using your phone while it’s charging. Additionally, always use endorsed chargers to protect yourself and your device from potential dangers. Stay safe!