Can you put your attention to detail to the test and spot several differences in a photo? Let’s see if you can determine which chicken is different in the photo below.

Take a moment to examine the photo closely. Don’t worry if you’re struggling, we’ll give you a hint – there’s more than meets the eye.

Hint: There’s not just one different chicken, but actually seven. That’s right, seven chickens have something unique about them. Challenge yourself and see if you can find them all.

The Answer

Did you manage to solve the puzzle? Or maybe you’re curious and want to see the answer? Watch the video below to reveal which chicken is different:

But if you want to inspect each difference further, we’ve got you covered. Below, you’ll find the images of each answer for you to study:

Congratulations if you were able to identify all the differences! Your attention to detail and critical thinking skills are truly commendable. Well done!