Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, is afflicted with the condition. After assaulting Chris Rock, the winner of the 2022 Academy Award for Best Actor is on the front page of the tabloids. Will Smith broke down in tears after joking about his wife’s hairdo. That’s how Jada Pinkett lost her entire head of hair.

Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, is afflicted with the condition. Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have been married since 1997 and share two children, Willow and Jaden.

Even though they share an unusual connection, they are extremely close and supportive of one another. The actor responded angrily just one night earlier when Chris Rock made a joke about his wife’s zero haircut. He most likely had no idea that Jada was dealing with a major health issue.

Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, is afflicted with the condition. The actor’s wife is suffering from a rare autoimmune condition that has caused her to lose all of her hair. Jada stated on the internet that she wore turbans to cover the effects of her disease.

Will Smith’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, is afflicted with the condition. Jada Pinkett Smith has been diagnosed with a rare autoimmune illness that has resulted in her complete hair loss. Will Smith’s wife wrote on his social media account that one day in the shower, he discovered that he had whole strands of hair in his palm.

The situation is becoming increasingly problematic, and the international diva is now wearing turbans to conceal the effects of the ailment she is afflicted with.

“I was having issues with hair loss.” When it first started, it was a nightmare. I awoke one day in the shower with strands of hair in my hand. It was one of those times in my life when I felt a little uneasy.

Despite the worry I still feel, I’ve learned to approach this sickness spiritually and to be inspired by the bravery and determination of others who have faced truly harrowing circumstances, such as cancer or having a sick child. Jada Pinkett Smith stated, “I see how brave they are, and their example gives me the strength to move on.”

At the 2022 Academy Awards, Will Smith will take on Chris Rock.

Chris Rock stated that he expects to see Jada Pinket Smith in “G.I. Jane 2,” referring to the actress’s shaved head. Will Smith was so enraged by this joke that he assaulted him on the stage.

“Don’t mention my wife’s name in your filthy lips!” When Will Smith yelled at Chris Rock, the sound of the entire program was shut off by ABC TV producers.

“Will Smith just hit me hard!” Chris Rock could be heard saying.

He went on to say, “This was the hottest night in television history.”