Our world is full of stories, and sometimes it can be challenging to accurately represent events that happened many years ago. However, thanks to advancements in technology, scientists have been able to recreate the face of a man who died during the Battle of Visby in 1361, one of the most intense conflicts in Europe.

The confrontation on the Swedish island of Gotland claimed the lives of over 2,500 individuals, the majority of whom were peasants or elderly people unprepared for such a brutal fight. Researchers discovered a mass grave containing numerous bones and skeletons, providing valuable insight into the tragedy that unfolded centuries ago.

In particular, they found the skull of a medieval warrior, which they successfully reconstructed digitally with the help of Brazilian 3D designer Cicero Moraes. The man’s face had been split by an axe, his mouth severed in two and his teeth shattered. Additionally, there were injuries above his eye and left cheekbone, testament to the violence he endured.

Using the skull as their guide, Cicero Moraes carefully placed markers to outline the different areas of skin. By analyzing the skull alone, he was able to determine the size of the nose, mouth, and eyes. When it came to hair and skin tone, he relied on his imagination to bring the reconstruction to life.

To complete the depiction of the face, Moraes used a three-dimensional model of the skull on loan from the Swedish History Museum in Stockholm. The end result is truly remarkable, exhibiting a high level of realism and precision.

The reconstructed face provides a glimpse into the past, allowing us to connect with the individuals who lived and perished in this historic battle. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made and the human stories that often get lost in the annals of time.