Twins pregnancies are rare, and identical twins are even rarer, with only about three to four out of 1,000 births being identical. Now, imagine having twins with Down syndrome. It’s an incredibly rare occurrence, but for Savannah Combs from Middleburg, Florida, it became her reality.

Savannah and her husband Justin Ackerman were overjoyed when they discovered they were expecting twins. However, their happiness was mixed with the news that both of their precious babies would be born with Down syndrome. Instead of feeling discouraged, Savannah saw their condition as something that made her babies even more beautiful. She embraced them with love and refused to let any judgments affect her appreciation for them.

Savannah decided to document her postpartum journey on TikTok, sharing the milestones and joys of raising her twins, Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman. People were touched by Savannah’s unwavering love and dedication, and her videos quickly gained popularity.

During her pregnancy, Savannah was advised to abort her children because of their odds of survival. However, she chose to give them a chance at life. Every prenatal appointment was a precious blessing for Savannah. Despite the challenges, she gave birth to Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman on May 12, 2021, but the babies had to spend a few weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) due to their premature birth at 29 weeks.

The twins, referred to as mono-di twins, meaning they had their own sacs but shared the same placenta, are incredibly rare. And when you factor in Down syndrome, it becomes even more extraordinary—one in 2 million. But to Savannah, her daughters are just like any other children, despite their rare condition. They have feelings, a beating heart, and the ability to learn and grow. It may take them a bit longer to reach certain milestones, but they are determined and full of happiness.

Savannah continues to share their incredible journey on TikTok, celebrating each milestone the twins achieve. Her goal is to show the world that Kennadi Rue and Mckenli Ackerman are just like any other children and that they can achieve anything they set their minds to. Unfortunately, Savannah has also faced cruel comments on social media, but she responds with grace and strength. When faced with criticism, she simply replies, “Good thing they weren’t born to you and were born to me. God knew what he was doing by giving these babies to the right parents who would love them regardless.”

These amazing girls are a testament to love and resilience. They deserve to be celebrated and cherished. Help us spread the word about this heartwarming story on social media and celebrate these incredible individuals.