In a devastating incident that has left a community shattered, Harmoney Harper, an eight-year-old girl, met with an unfortunate accident that cut short her promising start to the school year. As she waited for her school bus with her brother outside their home, tragedy struck when she was hit by another school bus. Despite immediate medical attention, her life could not be saved.

A Promising Start Cut Short

Harmoney Harper, like any excited eight-year-old, was eagerly looking forward to the new school year at Oaklawn Elementary in Wichita, Kansas. Her first day was filled with excitement and anticipation for the new experiences that awaited her. However, tragically, Harmoney’s promising start was abruptly halted by a heart-wrenching accident.

A Heartbreaking Accident

On the fateful morning of August 16th, Harmoney and her brother were waiting for their school bus outside their home. In a devastating turn of events, she was hit by another school bus. Despite the swift response of first responders and their resuscitation efforts, Harmoney could not be revived.

The accident occurred around 07:20 am, but the exact details regarding the number of students aboard the bus at that time remain unclear. While there were no other injuries, the impact of this incident on Harmoney’s family and the community is immeasurable.

A Father’s Heartbreaking Account

Jasper Harper, Harmoney’s father, shared a heart-wrenching account of the events that led to the loss of his daughter. He recounted how his wife heard their son screaming for his sister, prompting her to rush outside. Jasper was awakened by the urgent plea, “I need you now.” As he reached the front door, he heard the devastating words, “Call 911, my daughter is dead.” Harmoney had been playing outside their home, a place where she should have felt safe.

Community Mourning and Support

Neighbors were deeply shaken by this tragedy, as the cries of Harmoney’s mother pierced the air. The community came together in solidarity, offering their prayers and support. One neighbor expressed empathy not only for Harmoney’s family but also for the bus driver, whose emotional state must be unimaginable.

Law enforcement officials have indicated that no charges are expected in connection with the incident.

A Community United

Devastated by their loss, Harmoney’s family started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover funeral expenses. The campaign, which has received 650 donations totaling $30,031, appeals for both financial assistance and heartfelt words of encouragement.

In the aftermath of this tragic event, the Wichita community shared personal memories of Harmoney. Donna Osborn, Principal of Oaklawn Elementary, remembered her as a radiant presence, always quick to compliment others and offer warm hugs. Superintendent Heather Bohaty expressed the district’s grief and commitment to providing support to students and staff through additional social workers.

The loss of Harmoney Harper serves as a painful reminder of life’s fragility and the profound impact one young life can have on a community. As hearts mourn and memories are shared, Harmoney’s spirit lives on in the hearts of those who knew her. Our thoughts and condolences go out to Harmoney’s family, friends, and the entire Wichita community during this heartbreaking time.