The media has been covering Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for a considerable amount of time.

Because their lives and marriage were frequently discussed, they came to value their privacy and commitment to their family more. Everyone was struck by the recent announcement of Harry and Meghan.

Lilibet, their daughter, recently entered their life. A boy and a girl have now been born to the Dukes of Sussex. They are devoted to their children’s education and to their family.

With their kids, Meghan Markle and the prince want to settle in California. This resulted from recently unfolding events. Now that he is a dad for the second time, Prince Harry lives with his family.

He is uninterested in performing royal obligations and would rather live a straightforward life in California. The well-known anthropologist Jane Goodall interview was quite fascinating.

Prince Harry and Meghan’s announcement

Goodall enquired about Prince Harry’s ambitions for raising a family. This is an intriguing subject if Harry and Markle are considering having a third child. But the prince’s response was clear.

For him and his family, he added, this was the most crucial period. He and Markle desire to enjoy their children and make educational investments in them.

He thinks that raising kids is not that simple. But that is a real effort.

He hadn’t given any attention to how many kids he would have, but he did express his desire for more. He was doing this with a lot of love and passion since he and his wife wanted to raise healthy children for the future.

Prince Harry remarked, “Archie and Lilibet are growing extremely carefully and this process takes some time.”

“It is important that we educate young generations who will serve their community and country.”

Having a third child was not in Harry and Markle’s plans because they are content with their current family. But anything may happen, and they might have a change of heart.

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