Would you believe that a $2 junk store find turned out to be a multimillion-dollar photograph of one of the Wild West’s most notorious outlaws? This incredible story of discovery is a true testament to the hidden treasures that can still be found if we only take the time to look.

Randy Guijarro, a telecommunications technician, stumbled upon this rare gem in a Fresno, California, antique shop back in 2010. Little did he know that the four-by-five-inch tintype he purchased would turn out to be a photograph of Billy the Kid playing croquet. The value of this historical treasure is now estimated to be in the millions of dollars.

Mr. Guijarro’s passion for collecting coins, sports cards, comic books, and other memorabilia led him to the Fulton’s Folly Antique Collective on that fateful day. As he perused the items in the shop, he came across a cardboard box filled with old photographs. Three of them caught his eye, including the croquet players. Without hesitation, he offered the shop owner $2 for the lot, not knowing the incredible significance of what he had just acquired.

It wasn’t until he examined the photograph under a microscope that he realized who was in the picture. Leaning on a croquet mallet, unmistakably, was Billy the Kid himself. Excitedly, he called his wife, Linda, who embarked on a research journey to identify the other members of the Regulators, Billy the Kid’s gang. With the help of facial recognition experts and other specialists, they were able to identify all 18 individuals in the photo, as well as locate the remains of the schoolhouse where the picture was taken.

The road to authenticity was not an easy one for the Guijarros. Skepticism and false leads haunted their investigative journey, leaving them anxious and uncertain. But their perseverance paid off, and their discovery was authenticated. The photograph, which is now only the second confirmed image of Billy the Kid, is estimated to be worth a staggering $5 million.

National Geographic chronicled the Guijarros’ five-year odyssey to authenticate the photograph in a recently aired program narrated by Kevin Costner. It was an emotional experience for Randy and Linda, who shared their truth and hope that viewers had enjoyed the journey as much as they did.

With their newfound fortune, the Guijarros plan to pay off bills, assist friends and family, and continue their passion for hunting forgotten parts of history. The hunt for treasures is not just about the monetary gain; it’s about the joy of the search, the thrill of adventure, and the possibility of unearthing something incredibly valuable.

This extraordinary tale of discovery should serve as an inspiration to all of us, regardless of age. It reminds us to never underestimate the potential treasures that may be hiding in trunks, attics, or antique stores. So, let’s grab our magnifying glasses and embark on our own treasure hunts, because who knows what we might find. Happy hunting!