Dr. Viktor Ivanovik, a respected doctor from Moldova, has recently gained widespread attention on social media for his insightful video about the risks associated with kissing deceased relatives during their final farewell. With an impressive following of nearly 300,000 on TikTok, Dr. Ivanovik’s medical videos have become popular for their educational content, especially concerning practices surrounding death.

The Potential Risks of Kissing the Deceased

In Dr. Ivanovik’s viral video, he addresses a sensitive but crucial topic: the potential risks of kissing deceased loved ones. While this gesture is often seen as a final act of respect and goodbye, it can unknowingly expose individuals to health risks. Dr. Ivanovik explains that approximately nine hours after death, the body begins to decompose, causing bacteria from the decomposing tissues to emerge.

One of the primary risks highlighted by Dr. Ivanovik is the significant loss of smell, almost entirely, due to exposure to these bacteria. His message on TikTok, “Never kiss the deceased!”, serves as a stark reminder of the unseen dangers present even in this most solemn and intimate act of farewell.

Emotional Complexity and Personal Reflections

Dr. Ivanovik’s video has ignited a wave of responses and controversy online. While many social media users expressed their gratitude for his advice, acknowledging that they had not previously considered such risks, others shared deeply personal reflections on their own experiences.

Some comments reflected the emotional difficulty of adhering to such advice, particularly in moments of profound grief. Statements like “I kissed my father and would do it a million times over! I can lose taste and smell, he is my father!” and “Honestly, I don’t think anyone can resist not kissing their parent on the hand or forehead one last time. I kissed my father’s hand for the last time” highlight the complex interplay of emotion, tradition, and health considerations when it comes to mourning and farewell.

A Space for Dialogue and Awareness

Dr. Ivanovik’s video has created a space for dialogue and increased awareness about health concerns related to death rituals. His insights offer a medical perspective on a practice that holds deep significance in the grieving process for many individuals. It emphasizes the importance of balancing cultural and emotional practices with an understanding of potential health implications.

The Role of Social Media in Health Information

Beyond stirring emotions and thoughts on this sensitive topic, Dr. Ivanovik’s video shines a light on the role of social media and online platforms in disseminating crucial health information. His impressive reach on TikTok demonstrates the power of these platforms to educate and engage the public on topics that might otherwise go unaddressed.

Protecting Oneself in Vulnerable Times

In conclusion, Dr. Viktor Ivanovik’s viral video provides a poignant reminder of the unseen risks associated with a common practice in mourning. It underscores the need for thoughtful consideration of health risks, even in moments of deep emotional significance. While refraining from kissing the deceased may be challenging for some, it offers an important perspective on the need to protect oneself during such vulnerable times.

This discussion sparked by Dr. Ivanovik is a testament to the evolving understanding of health and safety practices, as well as the role of medical professionals in guiding public awareness in these crucial aspects of life and death.