The dynamic duo of Paul Newman and Robert Redford took Hollywood by storm with their incredible performances in movies like “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and “The Sting.” But did you know that their friendship off-screen was just as captivating? These two A-listers had a special bond that lasted throughout their lives.

In an interview, Newman admitted that while they were filming, he harbored some grudges against Redford. Despite this, their acting prowess shone through. Their portrayals of real-life outlaws Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid were convincing and earned them critical acclaim. The 1969 film, based on the actual outlaws, even won four Oscars and is still regarded as one of the best Westerns ever produced.

Before their collaboration in “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” both Newman and Redford had already achieved superstardom in their own right. Newman, a seasoned actor, was already winning accolades for his acting and directing. Redford, on the other hand, was a young and budding star, with a Golden Globe win under his belt.

Despite their differences in working styles, their chemistry on and off-screen was undeniable. Newman admitted that they had a lot of fun together and bounced off each other really well. In fact, Newman even mentioned that he would have wanted to play Redford’s character in the film, as he felt a little more at ease with that role.

Their friendship endured beyond the cameras. They looked into possibilities of collaborating on a third movie after “The Sting,” but unfortunately, it never materialized. However, their friendship continued to deepen over the years. They lived only a mile apart in Connecticut and started to act like brothers. Their families were also close-knit, further solidifying their bond.

When Newman passed away in 2008, Redford reflected on their relationship, saying that it was the connection they forged while playing their iconic characters that started it all. Over time, they discovered more similarities and interests, strengthening their friendship.

Their incredible chemistry was not just limited to the screen. Redford revealed that Newman loved to have fun and had a great sense of humor, even if some of his jokes were awful. Redford would get caught up in Newman’s enjoyment of the jokes and end up laughing with him.

Paul Newman and Robert Redford were not only remarkable actors but also lifelong friends. Their friendship brought their performances to life on-screen, making them a beloved duo in the hearts of many. Even though they are no longer with us, their legacy and the memories they created together will live on forever.

Let us know what you think of their on-screen friendship and the enduring bond they shared off-screen!