

As parents, we have a profound influence on our children’s lives. Especially during their formative years, we are their pillars of support and guidance. Our words carry great weight, often seen by our kids as the “Word of God.” It is crucial that we choose our words carefully, ensuring they build up our children rather than tear them down.

Words to Avoid


1. “Stop crying”

It is important to let our children express their emotions freely. Suppressing their tears only teaches them to repress their feelings. Instead, allow them to cry while helping them understand any mistakes they may have made.


2. “You disappointed me!”

Avoid labeling your child as a disappointment. Such words can have a long-lasting impact, as children often strive to please their parents. If they make a mistake, address it gently without damaging their self-esteem.

3. “You are not good/studious/obedient enough”

Never make your child feel inadequate or different from others. Believing they are not what their parents desire can negatively affect their self-image. Instead, focus on encouraging improvement and building their confidence.

4. “Big boys/girls don’t get scared”

Fear is a natural emotion, and trying to suppress it with such statements is futile. Let your child know that it’s okay to feel scared at times and reassure them that you are there to support and protect them.

5. “You are a bad boy/girl”

Avoid labeling your child as inherently bad. Instead, address their actions as mistakes and emphasize that everyone, including adults, makes mistakes. Help them learn from their errors and encourage growth.

6. “I do everything for you”

While it’s natural for children to depend on their parents, it’s important to foster a sense of responsibility in them. However, unrealistic expectations can place undue pressure on them. Find a balance between support and encouraging their independence.

7. “You’re fat/dark/ugly”

Our children are a reflection of ourselves, and it’s crucial to create a positive environment where they feel safe and accepted. Avoid body shaming language as it can lead to self-esteem issues. Instead, inspire healthy habits and promote a positive body image.

Building Our Children’s Self-Esteem

Our words shape the adults our children will become, so let’s focus on uplifting and motivating them. Provide affection, acceptance, and guidance to help them develop a strong sense of self-worth. With our support, they will flourish and succeed.