A young family worries they may have been spied on in their own house for weeks after their 15-month-old boy was awakened in the night by a “deep male voice,” which they believe was someone accessing their crib camera.

According to Banbury, Oxfordshire resident Shannon Richardson and her partner Jack Gray, their kid Freddie had been waking up at 2 a.m. every night and refusing to go back to sleep.

The couple felt someone was in the house at first when they heard a “deep male voice” speaking to young Freddie through the camera because it was so clear, but they were astonished to discover the “reason” for it.

Shannon was so afraid that her house was being watched, she insisted on taking Freddie in bed with her.

They are now afraid that the man has been watching their son for weeks, even observing the couple trying to comfort him, as evidenced by monitor footage showing Jack going into his son’s cot to console him.

Shannon remarked, “The anxiety and disgust, and we feel is horrible.” How long has this man been in Freddie’s room? We change him and put him to bed in there after bath time.

He’d been getting up at the same time every night at around 2 a.m. for a while and we couldn’t get him to sleep, so we’re not sure how long this has been going on.

Jack approached the crib to comfort the boy. Nothing we did to settle him down was successful, so we suspect he was startled awake.

“However, he hasn’t woken up during the night since we removed the baby monitor.”

Images recorded on the monitor show Jack, who works in fire and flood repair, trying in vain to calm his child in the middle of the night in the crib in the weeks leading up to the shock in October.

Jack and I were watching TV at around 2.30 in the morning, Shannon recounted.

“We had the camera on when we heard rustling, so we gave it a quick glance, thinking it was Freddie moving about in his crib,” the witness said.

We then heard a very deep male voice that was so audible that we thought the man was in the bedroom.

He was addressing Freddie as “baby” and “baba,” seemingly attempting to wake him up. Jack raced upstairs and slammed the door.

Even though nobody was inside, the monitor moved in Jack’s direction. The speaker could be heard from behind the screen. Jack just grabbed Freddie and tore the monitor off.

“We entered our room and sat there silently because we didn’t know what to do. We were shocked by that. I was unsure of what to think or believe.”

“It’s unknown if the brand of the monitor picked any radio interference.”

Shannon asserts that the encounter left her feeling uneasy in her own home since the man’s voice was so distinct that they mistook him for someone inside the house.

Shannon said, “Jack threw the monitor away.”

“I was anxious and didn’t feel at ease. I was worried since we “didn’t know if it was a local man.”

The video baby monitor was a gift Shannon had gotten while she was expecting, and she had been using it ever before Freddie was born.

Shannon said, “I thought it was quite convenient as it was great to be able to see him when he was in bed.”

The mother says, “We’ve been using it since he was born.” Baby monitors are meant to be a secure way for you to watch over your baby.

The author claims, “You’d never realize someone else was watching them through it.”