As parents, we do everything we can to raise our children and help them become the best versions of themselves. It’s a labor of love, and when we see our kids thrive and become respected individuals, it feels like a dream come true.

But let’s be honest, raising children is not always easy. They have their own minds, they throw tantrums, and rarely agree with us, their parents. It can be challenging to form strong bonds and get along with them, no matter how hard we try.

That’s why it’s refreshing to hear about families like the McNees. They have a wonderful 8-year-old daughter who is absolutely in love with reading. And not just any kind of reading – she loves to read under the covers, past her bedtime, with a flashlight in hand. To her, it’s an act of rebellion, a little secret adventure.

Instead of trying to stifle her passion for reading under the covers, her parents fully support her. They even make sure her flashlights always have fresh batteries. They understand that this simple act brings her joy and fuels her passion for books. And really, who can blame her? Reading under the covers is a treasured childhood memory for many of us.

Some people may suggest that the McNees buy their daughter a headlamp instead of a flashlight. And while they did try that option, their daughter still prefers the good old flashlight. It’s a comfort to her, and it adds to the excitement of the experience.

So, let’s celebrate this little rebel reader and the supportive parents who encourage her. Let’s remember the joy of reading under the covers and the magic it brings. And hey, if you have a fond memory of reading under the covers, why not share this article with your family and friends on Facebook? Let’s spread the love for reading and the joy it brings, no matter how old we are.

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