Gabby, together with her siblings Maya, Tasmin, and Robert, gathered at the lawyer’s office to hear their late mother’s final wishes. As they all eagerly awaited, the lawyer handed each of them an envelope. To their surprise, when Maya, Tasmin, and Robert opened their envelopes, they found just a one-dollar bill inside. Confusion and disbelief filled the room.

Gabby, on the other hand, noticed something different about her envelope. Instead of a dollar bill, she felt a letter enclosed inside. Before she could even read it, her sister Maya snatched it from her hand, causing a gasp from the lawyer. Maya’s outburst shocked everyone.

The letter revealed that their mother had left everything to Gabby – the estate, the house, and a secret savings account. Maya’s words hurt Gabby deeply. She had never sought to be the favorite; she simply wanted to be there for their mom in her time of need. She had cared for their mother without expecting anything in return.

As Gabby and her siblings reflected on their own choices, they realized that their mom’s decision was a way of saying thank you to Gabby for her unwavering dedication and love. The meager dollar bills their siblings received served as a poignant reminder of the time they had neglected to give their mom while she was alive.

The weight of the letter in Gabby’s hands felt like burning coal. She desperately tried to make her siblings understand, but they were too angry to listen. In an effort to make amends, Gabby proposed that they split their mom’s savings equally among themselves. Not as a means to indulge in luxuries, but as a safety net for each of them.

Her siblings eventually agreed, and they all went to the bank together to sort everything out. Gabby wrote that she believed their mom’s lesson went beyond who cared the most. It was about understanding and compassion in her last moments.

In the end, the four siblings learned a valuable lesson – family should always come first. They decided to have regular monthly gatherings and remain close. The experience changed their perspective on what truly matters in life.

Let’s all remember the importance of family and cherish the time we have with our loved ones.