One of the most beautiful stories I have ever heard is the one involving Adam Koessler and his daughter Rumer Rose Maujean, and I am extremely sorry that it has been ruined by the law. This is what happened.

When Rumer, the Australian family’s daughter, was diagnosed with cancer, they were treated severely.

In his frantic search for anything that may heal his daughter, the father stumbled across the miracles that the doctors had worked with cannabis oil on cancer patients. So, during the last year, the father gave his daughter this oil.

Cannabis oil is obviously a far more concentrated version of marijuana, and there is a lot of discussion about its potential medical benefits. The father chose to use it with his daughter in spite of the objections; he was desperate and willing to try anything.

“It was almost miraculous, her little body was alive again – Rumer’s quality of life increased instantly. He was telling me: Daddy, my stomach doesn’t hurt anymore, and he could eat very well again, that’s how he started to gain weight again ”.

Although the oil can be used for therapeutic purposes in many areas of the world, it is forbidden in Australia. The father was temporarily imprisoned and was not allowed to visit his child as a result.

This was only made possible until a petition with 160,000 signatures was signed, and the charges against him were dropped. The father ultimately broke the law by visiting his daughter in the hospital.

Sadly, his daughter passed away while being treated at the hospital, but he had the good fortune to visit her one final time. Here is a tragic photo of the two of them taken in the hospital just moments before the girl’s passing: