Disgusting medical videos have gained immense popularity on YouTube lately. From pimple popping to cyst draining, from earwax removal to back cracking, and even foot callus scraping, there seems to be an endless list of bizarre videos that millions of people are eager to watch.

One particular type of video that followers of this trend find satisfying is the removal of tonsil stones. These small, pebble-like growths can be popped out of the tonsils, creating a strangely satisfying experience. It’s almost like pimple popping, but deep inside the throat.

For those who are unfamiliar with tonsil stones, here’s a brief explanation. Your tonsils are a part of your immune system, according to the Mayo Clinic. They produce important components like white blood cells and antibodies to help fight infections. However, they also have tiny, eerie cavities known as tonsillar crypts. In some people, these crypts are deep enough that pieces of food or mucus can become trapped inside.

The video showcasing the removal of tonsil stones is short, sweet, and straight to the point. It’s no wonder that it has garnered more than 15 million views. People are captivated by the satisfaction derived from witnessing these stones being popped out. It’s an oddly intriguing experience, resonating with the fascinating appeal of all these disgusting medical videos.