Mention the huge quantity of food waste that occurs each year, with an emphasis on eggs, as reported by media outlets such as The Guardian.
Discuss the prevalent practice of discarding eggs after their use-by date, which contributes to significant waste.
Practical Tips for Eating Fresh Eggs:

Expiration Dates Explained:

Explain the expiration dates on egg packaging as well as the regulatory restrictions for egg sales.
Emphasize that eggs can typically be used for up to a month after their recommended use-by date if properly preserved.

The Smell Examination:

Smell eggs past their expiration date to detect any bad scents, which indicate deterioration.

To analyze the fragrance of the egg and avoid contaminating other ingredients, crack it into a separate basin.

Examining the Egg Shell:

Examine the egg shell visually for any anomalies such as cracks, mildew, or strange textures.

After cracking the egg, examine for discoloration, as certain hues can signal bacterial growth and associated foodborne illness concerns.

  1. Submerge the egg in water

Another technique, according to LCI, can be effective in evaluating whether the egg is still edible.

To do so, place the egg in a saucepan or salad bowl filled with water. It is still safe to eat if it settles to the bottom of the container.

However, if it remains upright, it must be consumed soon. It has expired if it rises to the surface.

In reality, as the egg ages, more moisture evaporates through microscopic pores, expanding the air pocket. As a result, the older the egg, the more it floats.

If you want to eat eggs right away, do not repeat this experiment.

This dip might result in cuticle loss on the shell. The latter, on the other hand, protects the egg from pathogens such as salmonella.