Listen up, ladies! I’ve got some valuable marriage advice from a wise woman who has experienced divorce. Trust me, this is advice you don’t want to miss!

First and foremost, always focus on the best qualities in your partner. Look for the good and appreciate it.

Intimacy plays a crucial role in a healthy marriage. Be open to having sex more often and don’t shy away from it. It’s a powerful way to connect with your partner.

Seek guidance from older, wiser women who have successful marriages. Their wisdom and experience can help you navigate through difficult times. Don’t underestimate the value of their advice.

Remember, there will be times when your partner may seem distant or preoccupied. Instead of jumping to conclusions, give them space. It’s not about ignoring you, but rather having moments of reflection.

Don’t fall into the trap of trying to change or fix your partner. We’re all on a journey of self-discovery, and it’s not our responsibility to mold someone into who we want them to be.

Take the time to remind your partner of their greatness. Shower them with compliments and let them know how much you appreciate their strengths.

Never forget that your partner chose you. It’s a privilege to be loved and chosen by someone. Cherish that and don’t take it for granted.

Humor is essential in any relationship. Laugh at your partner’s jokes, even if they’re not the funniest. It’s a small gesture that shows you’re engaged and connected.

It’s important to take ownership of our own emotions and reactions. We can’t blame everything on our partner. Take responsibility for your feelings and how you respond to them.

And guess what? Your partner needs to do the same. It’s a two-way street, and both partners should take responsibility for their actions and emotions.

Allow your partner to have their fair share of downtime. When they come home, create a relaxing environment where they can unwind and destress.

Love your partner the way they need to be loved, not the way you assume they need it. Learn their love language and show your affection in ways that resonate with them.

Take care of yourself and embrace your femininity. By doing so, you remind your partner of their own masculinity. It’s a beautiful dynamic that strengthens your bond.

Be there for your partner when they need you. Offer your time and undivided attention when they require support or just someone to listen.

Finally, resist the temptation to compare your partner to others, whether real or fictional. Stay loyal and focused on your relationship.

Remember, not all advice on the internet is worth following. Be cautious and discerning about what you read. Every marriage is unique, and what works for others may not work for you.

Give your partner the space they need to grow and discover themselves. Encourage their personal growth and be there to support them along the way.

Marriage is a beautiful journey, and with the right mindset and commitment, it can be a fulfilling and lasting union.