Jeopardy! is known for challenging even the most quick-witted and knowledgeable contestants with hints that leave home viewers stumped. However, in a recent episode, it was a seemingly simple clue related to the Lord’s Prayer that left all three contestants baffled, much to the surprise of Christian fans watching at home.

The clue in question was a $200 one, the smallest and usually the easiest on the board. Host Mayim Bialik read it in the category “Dadjectives.” “Matthew 6:9 says, ‘Our Father Which Art In Heaven,’ This ‘Be Thy Name,’” she stated. The answer, familiar to anyone who has learned the Lord’s Prayer, is “hallowed” (or “what is hallowed,” as per Jeopardy! rules).

Even seemingly straightforward answers on Jeopardy! can sometimes confound contestants, but the fact that none of them recognized one of the most popular prayers in Christianity struck a chord with faithful viewers.

“Not one contestant on Jeopardy last night knew the answer to this… Are you waking up yet?” one Twitter user expressed their surprise. Another tweet mentioned, “The Lord’s Prayer growing up was like knowing The Pledge of Allegiance. You just did.”

While some viewers interpreted this as a sign of diminishing faith in the US, others were simply astonished that such a seemingly obvious clue went unrecognized. “I’m an atheist and even I knew the answer to that Lord’s Prayer question,” claimed one Twitter user. Another questioned if the contestants had simply never heard of the Lord’s Prayer, stating, “My 4-year-old niece got the answer to this question on Jeopardy! Just wondering, maybe the contestants never heard about The Lord’s Prayer?”

Some took a lighthearted approach to the situation, with one user joking, “How can those Jeopardy! nerds not know this answer. Have they never listened to Iron Maiden?” This was in reference to the Iron Maiden song “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”

While some were amazed that every competitor struggled with what appeared to be a simple question, others pointed out that two of the contestants might have played it safe due to their low scores, not wanting to fall further behind.

It’s worth noting that Jeopardy! regularly includes questions on Christianity and the Bible, and participants often get difficult answers right, even though devout churchgoers might find them challenging. In fact, some have complained that the show features too many Christian-related questions.

Jeopardy! welcomes contestants from diverse backgrounds and religious beliefs, so it’s possible that these three contestants did not grow up in the same Christian environment as many viewers.

Despite their surprising struggle with the Lord’s Prayer, the contestants fared slightly better when it came to ’70s movies in the Final Jeopardy round. The answer was “He starred in the 2 films whose soundtracks were the top 2 bestselling albums of 1978.” The correct response? John Travolta (with the movies being Grease and Saturday Night Fever). Competitor Suresh Krishnan, who was playing, won the game, extending his winning streak to six games.

What are your thoughts on these Jeopardy! contestants not knowing the Lord’s Prayer? Share your perspective on this story!

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