A married couple travels a steady 40 miles per hour down a highway.

The husband is driving.

His wife speaks clearly as she abruptly turns to face him.

“Even though we have been married for over twenty years, I desire a divorce.”

The husband remains silent. He maintains his forward gaze on the road while gently increasing his pace to 45 mph.

The wife continues to talk.

“I don’t want you to try and talk me out of it.”

“Because he is a much better lover than you are,” she explains, “I’ve been having an affair with your best friend.”

Once more remaining silent, the husband tightens his hold on the driving wheel and gradually raises the pace to 55 mph.

She pushes her luck: “I want a house.”

60 mph or more.

“I, too, want the car.”

She goes on.


“And,” she adds, “I’ll have the bank accounts, all the credit cards, and the boat!”

The vehicle begins to swerve in the direction of a large concrete bridge slowly.

She asks him, “Isn’t there anything you want?” because she is anxious about this.

Finally, the spouse speaks in a calm and collected manner.

“No, I’ve got everything I need,” he replies.

Oh really? she wonders. “So, what do you have?”

The spouse turns to her and beams as they approach the wall at 65 mph.

It’s “the airbag!”