When it comes to being frugal, cheapskate parents take the cake! These penny-pinching individuals go to great lengths to get the most value out of every purchase, and their children have some hilarious tales to share. Let’s dive into their crazy experiences growing up with cheapskate parents.

1. How My Dad Scored a Free Bar of Soap with a Clever Trick

One Reddit user shared a story about their dad’s clever trick to score a free bar of soap. When a guy came over to their house to demonstrate a water filter, he used a bar of soap for the demonstration and left it behind. Well, that’s all it took for Dad. He called at least four other companies for free demonstrations just to keep the free bar of soap! It seems his cheapskate tendencies only worsen with age.

2. My Dad’s Attachment with Paper Towels

Another Reddit user shared their dad’s extreme attachment to paper towels. Even at the age of 21, they still needed to ask for permission to use a paper towel because their dad didn’t want them to waste it. The user recalled a time when their girlfriend accidentally spilled a gallon of milk at their dad’s house. They grabbed a roll of paper towels and used the whole thing to clean up the mess. The look on their dad’s face was priceless when he found out. It seems his fear of “wasting” paper towels knows no bounds.

3. My Dad’s Unique Approach to Saving Every Coin

Oh boy, cheapskate dads sure have some interesting habits! One Reddit user shared their dad’s unconventional ways of saving money. Whenever it’s below freezing, their dad hangs his clothes outside to dry instead of using electricity. Talk about commitment to saving on electricity bills! Their dad also rummages through the trash to search for “valuables” that they might have thrown away. And let’s not forget about his obsession with finding the cheapest gas in town. One time, he even put his car in neutral and pushed himself down a hill to save on fuel. Now that’s determination!

4. Meet the Return Policy Maestro

This tale takes the cake when it comes to taking advantage of return policies. One Reddit user’s father returned an outdoor furniture set that had been used for eight years. Despite being weather-worn and broken, he managed to get Costco to accept the return. And guess what? He used the money to pay for most of a new patio set from Costco! Talk about making the most of a return policy!

5. Unveiling the Frugal Achievements of My Grandmother

Frugality seems to run in the family, as this Reddit user shared their grandmother’s thrifty ways. Whenever they had company for dinner, they were instructed to use “the good napkins” (the ones without restaurant logos). This was because their grandmother only went to restaurants when she could get something in return. She would clip coupons and even ask people to take her out for dinner as a way to “return the favor.” Her purse was always full of napkins and food from the buffet. And she wouldn’t settle for just any restaurant – it had to have a salad bar! On her birthday, they had to drive over an hour to find a Sizzler restaurant that she hadn’t been banned from. Now that’s dedication to getting the best deal!

These stories are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the antics of cheapskate parents. Their unique approach to saving money may seem extreme to some, but for them, every penny counts. So the next time you encounter a cheapskate, buckle up and get ready for some crazy adventures in saving money!