In heartbreaking news, Cori Broadus, the daughter of Snoop Dogg, recently revealed that she suffered a severe stroke and is currently hospitalized. This shocking event is particularly distressing as Cori is just 24 years old.

Cori bravely shared her medical journey on Instagram, posting about her experience and the ongoing treatment she is receiving. She expressed her emotions, writing that she couldn’t help but break down in tears upon hearing the news.

She also shared several images from inside the hospital, giving us glimpses into her current situation.

In one of her Instagram stories, Cori vulnerably asked, “I’m only 24, what did I do in my past to deserve all of this?” Her words highlight the immense physical and mental challenges she is facing.

It is important to note that Cori previously disclosed that she was diagnosed with lupus at the tender age of 6, adding to the difficulties she has been enduring.

Our thoughts and well-wishes go out to Cori as she navigates this difficult time. We hope for her swift recovery and continued strength in her health journey. Stay tuned as more details unfold.