How is this even possible?

Ben and Eliza Curby had only been together for three months when they learned that Eliza was expecting a child. The couple, who had both dreamed of starting a family and having children, couldn’t be happy despite the fact that it seemed a bit abrupt and they were rather terrified.

They prepared for the major arrival and couldn’t wait to see their firstborn. Charlie, the family’s infant daughter, was a joyful and healthy child who made her parents’ lives better. They never experienced boredom because their days were always exciting.

Mommy Eliza, however, began to have strange feelings a few weeks after giving birth. She was aware that something was amiss with her body, but she was unable to identify it.

She tells about their odd love story:

“Three months into our relationship, we discovered we were expecting Charlie, our first child!

Ben had always been quite excited to start a family, so we were thrilled at the prospect of starting our own small clan.

Needless to say, I won because the choice was made for me.

For Eliza, who thought something odd was going on with her body, being a mother meant the world.

Most of the time, she was feeling tired and dizzy. She briefly believed she might be pregnant once more, but Charlie was only six weeks old, so she convinced herself that her condition was caused by all of her obligations, including caring for the baby and the house and doing errands.

She couldn’t help but think about the possibility of having another child, though. She even told Ben what she was thinking.

I was worn out trying to learn the ins and outs of motherhood, but around a month after having Charlie, I felt really, very worn out.

I recall remarking to Ben, “I think I’m pregnant,” when I was not persuaded that it was just the lack of sleep that was having an effect on me.

He only laughed.

Having additional children so quickly seemed the craziest thing ever because Charlie had already turned their lives upside down.

However, moms nearly never fail to follow their instincts, and Eliza was asking her to buy some pregnancy tests so she could find out what was actually happening. Her hypotheses were verified after four testings. She is expecting another child!

Wait until you see the shock on the couple’s faces when the doctor informed them that there were actually two babies instead of just one. If they thought this was a surprise. They were indeed expecting twins.

She told about what transpired at the doctor’s office that day:

“Before finally saying, ‘Look, it’s early days… but… I think there’s two,’ the technician appeared embarrassed and uneasy.

And as it happens, there was!

I was frightened but also secretly very excited because I believe that everyone has an underlying longing for identical twins.

The second pregnancy went as smoothly as the first one, and at 36 weeks, the baby boys were delivered without any complications.

Jack Antony Richard and Wolfe George Harry were born in perfect, healthy condition – Ben, Eliza, and Charlie were thrilled to meet the newest editions to their family!

Having three children isn’t easy, especially when they are the same age, but life is fun under the roof of this lovely family. The parents even started a blog they call “twingenuity” where they share fun stories of their everyday life.

Both Ben and Eliza are beyond grateful for their big family. They are the perfect example that we can’t always plan things because God often has other plans. We are happy for this couple, and we wish them only the best.