As we enter the later stages of life, it’s natural to reflect on the changing attitudes and perceptions of the younger generation. Sometimes, we may find ourselves confused by their labeling of our parenting style as “abusive” or “strict.” However, it’s essential to take a moment and remember how things were when we were children.

Instilling Responsibility and Discipline

In our youth, our parents instilled in us a sense of responsibility and discipline. They emphasized the value of hard work and the importance of carrying out our household chores. By ensuring we attended church and school, they provided us with a strong moral compass and the knowledge needed to build a bright future.

Rules and Boundaries

Yes, there were rules and boundaries imposed on us. We had curfews, and we knew that any deviation from them would result in consequences. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge the care and affection that accompanied these rules. When we made mistakes, our parents lovingly disciplined us, allowing us to learn from our experiences.

Providing for Us

Our parents worked tirelessly to put food on the table and clothes on our backs. They taught us gratitude and the importance of not taking things for granted. They also encouraged us to work towards our goals, emphasizing the value of earning and appreciating the things we desired.

Shaping Our Values

As we grew, we absorbed their values. We developed a strong moral compass, a good work ethic, and respect for the law and our elders. These invaluable lessons have shaped who we are today.

Gratitude for Our Parents

Let’s take a moment to appreciate and thank God for our Mama and Daddy. While their parenting style may have been different, the foundation they laid for us has been instrumental in shaping our lives.