Things are heating up in the latest debate surrounding fitness giant, Planet Fitness. A viral video of a disgruntled member sparked controversy over the company’s locker room policy. The incident occurred at the Fairbanks location in Alaska when a woman posted a photo of a transgender woman using the women’s locker room. Allegations were made against Planet Fitness for allowing “men” into a space intended exclusively for cisgender women.

The photo captured the transgender woman shaving over a sink in the locker room. The woman who took the picture expressed her frustration in a passionate video, which quickly went viral and ignited a massive debate. In response, the local Planet Fitness revoked the membership of the woman who took the photo, standing firm on their policy that allows individuals with specific gender identities to use the locker room that aligns with their identity.

Planet Fitness emphasized that bad faith actions could result in membership cancellations, aiming to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all patrons. Nevertheless, the situation escalated further with the emergence of more photos of the transgender woman using the locker room, which further fueled the controversy.

Conservatives have seized upon this opportunity, urging others to cancel their Planet Fitness memberships nationwide. As a result, the stock price of Planet Fitness has taken a substantial hit, with a decrease from $66 to approximately $56 in just 12 days. The market value has also plummeted, causing the company’s market cap to fall by approximately $400 million. In just five days, the group has experienced a significant decline, dropping from $5.3 billion to about $4.9 billion.

The incident has sparked a wider discussion about the inclusion of transgender individuals in public spaces and the responsibilities of businesses to accommodate their diverse clientele. Planet Fitness now faces the challenge of addressing the concerns raised by both disgruntled members and the transgender community as they navigate through this controversial issue.